Pismo Telekomu Austrije i Narodnoj skupštini Srbije o nezakonitostima u pokušaju prodaje Telekom Srbija

Telekom Austria Group

Lassallestraße 9

1020 Vienna

Poštovani, gospodine Hannes Ametstreiter,

Poznato nam je da je Telekom Austrija zainteresovan za kupovinu akcija srpskog dominantnog operatora Telekom Srbija.

Smatramo da je potrebno da vas upozorimo da se Telekom Srbija prodaje protivno Ustavu Republike Srbije, kao i bar dva srpska zakona: Zakonu o privatizaciji i Zakonu o koncesijama. Naime, prema Članu 85 Ustava Srbije, stranci ne mogu da poseduju dobra od opšteg interesa, već samo mogu dobiti koncesiju na njih*. Na osnovu toga stranci ne mogu posedovati telekomunikacionu strukturu koja predstavlja dobro od opšteg interesa. Ovo je potvrđeno i u Članu 5 srpskog Zakona o koncesijama koji definiše telekomunikacionu infrastrukturu kao predmet koncesije. Takođe, Član 87 Ustava Srbije kaže da su dobra koja koriste državni organi u vlasništvu države. Telekomunikacionu infrastrukturu Telekoma Srbija koriste državni organi Republike Srbije te mora da ostane državna svojina prema Ustavu Srbije. Takođe, prema Članu 3 srpskog Zakona o privatizaciji, dobra od opšteg interesa, odnosno u opštoj upotrebi, ne mogu biti privatizovana. Neosporno je da je telekomunikaciona infrastruktura dobro od opšteg interesa, odnosno dobro u opštoj upotrebi.

Verovatno ste svesni da je postupak javnog tendera za prodaju dela vlasništva države Telekoma Srbije u najmanju ruku bio čudan. Procedura postupka javnog tendera, koja je data u zvaničnom aktu Vlade pod brojem 023-7544/2010, zasniva se isključivo na Zakonu o Vladi, koji se ne odnosi ni na privatizaciju, ni na koncesije i iznad koga je svakako Ustav Srbije. Prema tome, ovakav postupak javnog tendera je proizvoljan i kao takav je neprihvatljiv. Između ostalog, u skladu sa srpskim Zakonom o privatizaciji, Agencija za privatizaciju vodi javne tendere i proces privatizacije, a ne Vlada.

Želimo da vas upozorimo da je prodaja Telekoma Srbija protivzakonita i protivustavna iz gore navedenih razloga, i da može biti poništena ako neka buduća srpska Vlada odluči da poštuje zakone i istraži ovu protivzakonitu prodaju. Postoje mnogi dokazi da je prodaja Telekoma protiv opšteg interesa u Srbiji. Veliki broj srpskih eksperata, iz Srbije i iz inostranstva, izrazio je zabrinutost zbog štete koju će prodaja Telekom Srbija naneti ekonomiji Srbije, industriji i obrazovanju u IKT oblasti. Njihova zabrinutost se oslanja na jake argumente koje su izneli u medijima, a na koje Vlada nije dala odgovore ili protivargumente.

Bilo bi nam veoma drago da vaša ugledna kompanija dođe u Srbiju kao investitor i to na obostranu korist i prema srpskim zakonima, koji štite interese Republike Srbije i njenih građana. Nadamo se da će vaša kompanija zadržati visoke standarde i da se neće upustiti u nezakonitu kupovinu Telekoma Srbije.

Odbor građana za praćenje Vladine namere da proda Telekom

Prof. dr Mladjen Kovačević, redovni član Akademije ekonomskih nauka

Dr Nebojša Popov, naučni savetnik

Slavoljub Kačarević, glavni urednik Balkan Magazina

Prof. dr Aleksandra Smiljanić, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, bivši ministar za telekomunikacije i informatičko društvo Srbije


Slavica Djukić Dejanović, predsednica Skupštine Republike Srbije

Peter Michaelis, predsednik Nadzornog odbora Telekom Austrija

Elisabeth Mattes, portparol Telekom Austrija

Thanasis Katsiroumpas, Vip mobile, predsednik Upravnog odbora Vip mobile Srbija


* Skrećemo vam pažnju da u prevodu Člana 85 Ustava Srbije na engleski jezik greškom nije uključena fraza “of public interest”, koja postoji u orginalu na srpskom jeziku (dok je na primer u Članu 87 ista fraza je korektno prevedena na engleski).

Telekom Austria Group

Lassallestraße 9

1020 Vienna

Respected mr. Hannes Ametstreiter,

It is our understanding that Telekom Austria is interested to buy stocks of the Serbian incumbent operator Telekom Srbija.

We feel obliged to warn you that Telekom Srbija is being sold against the Serbian Constitution and against, at least, two Serbian laws: Law on Privatization, and Law on Concessions. Namely, according to Article 85 of the Serbian Constitution, foreigners cannot own the goods of public interest, and can only obtain the concession rights for them*. Consequently, foreigners cannot own the telecommunication infrastructure which is the good of public interest. This is further confirmed by Article 5 of the Serbian Law on Concessions which defines the telecommunication infrastructure as one of the subject matters of concessions. Also, Article 87 of the Serbian Constitution provides that the assets used by the bodies of the Republic of Serbia shall be the state assets. The telecommunication infrastructure of Telekom Srbija is used by the bodies of the Republic of Serbia, and has to remain the state asset by the Serbian Constitution. In addition, according to Article 3 of the Serbian Law on Privatization, the goods of public interest, i.e. in general use, cannot be privatized. Again, the telecommunication infrastructure is without any doubt the good of public interest, and the good in general use.

You are probably aware that the procedure of the public tender for selling the state ownership in Telekom Srbija has been very odd, to say the least. This is the result of the justification given in the official Government Act 023-7544/2010, that the Government is selling Telekom Srbija solely based on the Law on Government which is not related to the privatization or the concessions, and certainly cannot surpass the Constitution. Therefore, the procedure of this public tender has been arbitrary and, therefore, unacceptable. Among other things, according to the Serbian Law on Privatization, it is the Agency for Privatization which conducts all public tenders in the process of privatization, and not the Government.

We would like to warn you that the sale of Telekom Srbija is unlawful and unconstitutional, for the reasons mentioned above, and that it might be nullified if some of the future Serbian governments decide to respect Serbian laws, and to investigate this unlawful sale. There are many evidences that it is against the public interest in Serbia. Many Serbian experts, in Serbia and abroad, raised concerns about damaging consequencies that the sale of Telekom Srbija will have on the Serbian economy, industry, and education in the ICT area. Their concerns were supported with strong arguments presented in media, which were not responded by the Government, or counter-argued.

We would be very glad to have your respectable company as the investor in Serbia, but to the mutual benefit and according to the Serbian laws that protect interest of Republic of Serbia, and its citizens. We hope that your company will keep the high standards, and will not pursue the unlawful purchase of Telekom Srbija.


Citizens’ Board for Monitoring Government’s Intention to Sell Telekom Srbija

Prof. Dr. Mladjan Kovačević, member of the Serbian Academy of Economic Science

Dr. Nebojša Popov, Senior Scientist

Slavoljub Kačarević, Editor in Chief, Balkan Magazine

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Smiljanić, School of Electrical Engineering of Belgrade University and former Serbian Minister for Telecommunications and Information Society


Slavica Djukić Dejanović, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia

Peter Michaelis, Chairman of Supervisory Board

Elisabeth Mattes, Spokeswoman Telekom Austria Group

Thanasis Katsiroumpas, Vip mobile, President of the Management Board


* Please note that the Serbian Constitution, Article 85, translation to English does not include wording “of public interest”, while the Constitution in Serbian does include this wording, which is an obvious omission (in Article 87, for example, the same wording is correctly translated to English).

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